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Carolyn has been nothing but exceptional. She has been a pivotal part of my healing and coming home to myself. The things I have learned, have changed my life forever for the better.


The knowledge, expertise, and tools she brings to the session, helps you find what works for you.

I highly recommend Carolyn.



When I look back at how much I've grown in the past year, I'd have to attribute a large part of that success to the work I did with Carolyn. Working with her has been liberating and empowering. I've learned how to change the way I speak to myself and regulate my emotions while moving through a chaotic world. Her particular therapeutic approach is exactly what I didn't know I needed. Her ability to help you gain insight into your own life and patterns is invaluable. 

I couldn't recommend Carolyn more highly.


Let’s Work Together


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James, John W. and Friedman, Russell P. The Grief Recovery Handbook, 20th

Anniversary Expanded Edition. New York: Harper-Collins, 2009.

Kaprio, Jaako, MD; Koskenvuo, Markku, MD; and Rita, Helo, MPolSc. “Mortality

after Bereavement: A Prospective Study of 95,647 Widowed Persons.” American

Journal of Public Health 77.3 (1987): 283-287.

Wakefield, Jerome C., PhD, DSW; Schmitz, Mark F., PhD; First, Michael B. MD;

Horwitz, Allan V., PhD. “Extending the Bereavement Exclusion for Major

Depression to Other Losses: Evidence from the National Comorbidity Survey.”

Arch Gen Psychiatry 64.4 (2007):433-440.

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